sexta-feira, junho 23

Not good, not good!!!!

Yesterday Charlotte left Kiezel and its so sad see the persons that we like going. We spent here wonderful moments with small things that make these months so nice and special!!!
Our dinners at 8h30 in the 3rd floor or in the garden, our nights together in Amsterdam and parties in Kiezel, our conversations in rooms about everything and anything, our travels (Rotterdam, Keukenhof, Utrecht, Dan Haag), our jokes, expressions (not good, not good; in the pocket; GoGo; ticket, ticket; foorr Suurreeee; no no no no) and moments of laughing, our cinema sessions in the rooms, our big and small things that build the friendships between all of us. It was with my friends here that I divided my good and bad moments during this period, is with them that I learnt and grow in my Erasmus and with them that I share a little bit of me and my life!! It was, with no doubt a special and unforgettable experience!! Charlotte, Gokçen, Catarina, Diana, Joana, Ana, Laura...and so many other special persons here... I like you so much and I will miss you a lot!!! It was so good and important to me to meet and live with all of you!!!
See all of you soon and I hope we keep in touch... =)
Kisses, bisous, besos, öpmek, beijinhos and a strong, strong hug to all of you!!!

Ps- I´m sorry for my bad English but u know me haha!!! =)

6 comentários:

diana disse...

"not good, not good", Maria! :P

ainda temos alguns dias, depois daqueles abraços e dos abraços que ainda hão-de vir. foi bom, ainda está a ser. e a partir daqui, tudo.

lets not say goodbye.
to all the girls, "see yoooou"! =)

[special hug to Charlotte, hope you are ok =)]

diana disse...
Este comentário foi removido por um gestor do blogue.
Anónimo disse...

maria...k saudades tuas tb!!! :)
kt ao inicio do fim, resta pnsr k valeu a pena...k foi maravilhoso e k aproveitast cd momento, cm sei k o fizest!!!
Nem sabes o kt t compreendo...vou sentir tnt a falta desta salada de nacionalidades: portugueses, espanhois, franceses, alemaes, holandeses, ingleses, mexicanos, brasileiros, argentinos, porto rikenhos...e...enfim...italianos!!!
O sentimento vivido nestes ultimos 5 meses começa agora a dar lugar a um gde vazio...
Contamos ainda c a tua visita!!!

Bjoka grande********

paulo disse...

Bonito blog e bonitas fotos Maria.
Faz-me lembrar o meu já distante e docemente lembrado Erasmus em Leiden e Amesterdão.

Catarina disse...

I miss you all.
At 8h30 in the kitchen or in the garden?

Sceptrus disse...

Também estive em Erasmus, mas em Barcelona, percebo o k sentes ;)
Gostei do teu blog, diz kker csa no meu...